What to Expect in a Natural Medicine Consultation

You will be given time to tell your story.  It's important that a full and detailed picture of your health concern is considered.  In the world of Holistic Natural Medicine we consider the events around the onset of an illness to be very important, especially in chronic disease.  It's amazing just how many patients recall a specific event be it physical, mental, emotional or environmental that arose just prior becoming unwell.  This is important because we are not machines held together with sinew and connective tissue as much as complex multifaceted beings that are affected by physical, emotional and environmental catalysts.  So when you come in for your session we offer you the space and time to share your story.

Most of my patients arrive as a last ditch effort to save their health.  They feel let down by conventional medicines inability to treat chronic disease and are seeking non-pharmaceutical ways to improve their health because the drugs don't work or because they cause more problems.   Somehow the patient has gotten lost in an array of disconnected appointments consulting physicians that only assess parts of themselves in isolation to one another and fail to see the individual nature of their illness.   Others just want to find out what is causing their anxiety or bloating or chronic pain and are open to look holistically to address their concern.  Many patients see me to find out if nutritional deficiency or food sensitivity or toxicity is the cause of their problems.  Some patients turn up not knowing what to expect.  They have just heard that a "natural" approach may help.

I use the initial consultation to gather as much information about the patient as possible and I do this in a range of ways.   I get the patient to detail the onset and progression of their complaints and tell me in what ways it affects their lives.  Next I ask them what outcomes they would like.  In complex cases I ask patients to prioritise their top three health goals. This allows us to work together on a common goal.  So now it's not a patient/doctor relationship so much as a patient/doctor team activity. The more trust there is the better the results.  It's as simple as that.

After I gather this information I run a range of clinical non-invasive tests to identify likely causes and drivers of their illness.  This includes but is not limited to, Urinalysis, Nutrient Deficiency, Dietary Deficiency, Absorption capacity, Food Sensitivity, Toxicity, Mineral Status check and Systems check.  This is the part where I ask like a zillion questions to understand where the imbalances may lie.  After this I perform a physical examination including assessment of Tongue, Iris, Vital signs, Nails and Abdominal palpation and auscultation.  I also make note of how the patient walked into the room to observe their movement and gait as well as the sound and timbre of voice.  In some cases I will make note of test results they may have brought in or suggest additional testing to gather more useful and targeted information.  It's really quite comprehensive and rather a lot to squeeze into an hour.  But it is important to be as observant and thorough as possible.

After I have gathered all this information I compile it in an easy to read handout for the patient.  I step out what is needed in order to become well, why they should change their diet, how herbal medicine can help, why some acupunture will integrate their body even more.  Almost everybody that comes in needs to get a water filter and move their mobile phone away from their bed head.  Mine is a thorough and detailed holistic overview of a patients health status at the time of consultation explaining how diet, lifestyle and environment are affecting their body' s capacity to heal. 

I always include a set of detailed instructions and suggestions on how best to adjust their diet and lifestyle to modulate their internal environment for the better.  It's amazing how many patients appreciate the thorough nature of this approach.  I will prescribe a course of therapeutic nutrients, minerals and herbal medicine as needed being very clear to let the patient know that I have studied pharmacology and am up to date on drug/herb/nutrient interactions. 

I adhere to the Hippocratic oath all physicians take, "do no harm".

Some cases require integrative care models to achieve better outcomes such as working in conjunction with an acupuncturist, massage therapist, counsellor and GP.  Patients love this level of care, detail and support.   In a lot of cases it's the missing link, putting together all the pieces of the puzzle and stepping back to take a look.


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