New to Naturopathy?

Naturopathic medicine treats people by enhancing their innate vitality.  Let's identify the road-blocks preventing your body healing.  Naturopaths are trained to assess and enhance one's "Vital Force" from which all life arises. In Chinese medicine this is concept is called Qi and in Ayurvedic medicine it is called Prana.

When you see a naturopathic doctor they will initially gather a broad clinical picture of your health via a thorough work up.  Full details of your presenting complaint are gathered along with diet, lifestyle, work, home life, organ and system function, pre-existing conditions and medication use. 

An initial consultation can be up to 1hour and will include an array of functional testing.  For example Dr Tim  will perform, Urinalysis, Iridology, Bioresonance testing (Photon Resonant Treatment) Mineral status test and a Physical examination. This is the best way to gather a complete picture of an individuals health needs.  All testing is non-invasive.

Dr Tim will tell you he is speeding up the rate of body-repair in your body relative to rate of breakdown.

Only in this way can healing occur. 

A typical naturopathic prescription will incorporate diet and lifestyle changes along with therapeutic grade supplements.  Things like herbs, nutrients and homoeopathics are always prescribed to alleviate symptoms and correct underlying imbalances. They match your individual needs which is something allopathic medicine cannot do.


What to Expect in a Natural Medicine Consultation


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